“Sometimes the best relationships are formed by the most unlikely pair.” – Kenneth Ortiz
Which brings us to our unlikely but beautiful relationship with “Clean Keto Cookbook”. You might be thinking, how can a clean-eating cookbook be connected to a year-round camp for kids with special needs and chronic illnesses? Well, to answer that question, we have to tell you a little bit about the author. Staci Holweger is the author of Clean Keto Cookbook but she wears many other hats. She is an entrepreneur, leadership coach, and a holistic health practitioner… and to us at Foundation For Dreams, she is a loving mom to one of our campers.

Her adventure as a writer began shortly after her weight loss journey. Staci fell in love with developing new healthy recipes to share with her friends and family on Facebook. As the popularity of her creations grew, friends would seek her outline to request a particular recipe or share her videos on Facebook, so she began to document all of her recipes.
It was around that time that she first realized people might buy a book full of her recipes. Staci describes her book as a good transition for people who want to begin their own journey toward eating healthier. You can now find her book sold on Amazon… and all of the proceeds are donated to Foundation for Dreams & Dream Oaks Camp. The Clean Keto Cookbook is the perfect way for her to share her love for holistic health and Dream Oaks Camp.

Foundation for Dreams & Dream Oaks Camp is near and dear to her heart because her daughter, Taylor, attends every camp and finds true joy there. Dream Oaks Camp is not only a fun place for the kiddos who attend but also provides much-needed respite to caregivers. The kids at camp fit in — no matter what — and find unconditional love from the Dream Oaks Camp family. Staci says her decision to contribute the proceeds to Foundation for Dreams was an easy one because she would like to be able to give all kiddos an opportunity to attend every camp.
“It broke my heart to see so many children in tears leaving camp because they can only attend once a year. I wished that we could do more to support the families that cannot afford to send their campers. All children deserve to feel wanted and special— Dream Oaks is a place that accomplishes that.”
– Staci Holweger, Author of Clean Keto Cookbook
This is why Staci is overjoyed to be able to contribute ALL proceeds from the sales of her cookbook to the camp, specifically for the purpose of providing scholarships to the many other special needs children that deserve the same monthly or summer program opportunities.
If you are interested in ordering Staci’s Clean Keto Cookbook… click here!